Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ayahuasca Tours and Retreats

Plan on travelling to Peru and experience ayahuasca retreats today! After being practically ignored by Western civilization for centuries, there has been a huge surge of interest in Ayahuasca recently. There is a growing belief that it is a kind of 'medicine for the times', giving hope to men and women with 'incurable' diseases like cancer and HIV, drug addictions and inspiring solutions to the big ecological difficulties of modern civilization.

 Ayahuasca is not a drug, it is known as a gateway to another reality, a reality which co-exists with our physical world. From this reality an encounter of the totality of inter-connectedness can feel personally experienced.

Ayahuasca is sometimes known as La Purga (The Purge) due to its powerful physical 'clearing' effect, however it is more than just physical clearing it is also an energetic clearing of private history as well. It is never to feel taken lightly and only under the supervision of a shaman which is well versed in the ways of the plant.  Spirituality is actually toward the centre of the Ayahuasca encounter. Purification and cleansing of body, mind, and spirit in a shamanic ceremony can feel the start of a process of profound personal and spiritual discovery. This process can continue indefinitely whether or not one never drinks Ayahuasca once more.

One thing is certain, and that would be that every person gets a unique encounter. You believe that by seriously looking toward the way Ayahuasca can be used we are able to fix our life experience and benefit a lot more from this medication. Ayahuasca is the jungle medication of the upper Amazon. It is made of the ayahuasca vine ( Banisteriopsis Caapi) and the leaf of the Chacruna plant (Psychotria Viridis).

The two create a potent medicine which opens the doors to experiencing the energetic world which underlies the world of everyday. The vine is an inhibitor which contains harmala and harmaline among other alkaloids, and the leaf contains vision inducing alkaloids. As with all natural medications, it is a mixture of many alkaloids that produces their unique properties. For example, Peyote, the cactus used by the North Native people in the US, is said to contain 32 active alkaloids, so when one of those alkaloids, mescaline (LSD) is synthesised in a laboratory, contrary to preferred advice, the result is not at all the exact same.

Ayahuasca is a name derived from two Quechua words: aya means spirit, ancestor, deceased person, and huasca means vine or rope, hence it is known as vine of the useless or vine of the soul. It is sometimes known by numerous other local names including yaje, caapi, natema, pinde, daime, mihi, & dapa. It plays a central character in the spiritual, religious and cultural traditions of the Indigenous and Mestizo (mixed blood) peoples of the upper Amazon, Orinoco plains and the Pacific coast of Colombia and Equador.

The plants tend to be collected from the rainforest in a sacred way and it is replied that a shaman can find plentiful sources of the vine by listening for the 'drumbeat' that comes from them. The mixture is prepared by cutting the vines to cookable measures, scraping and cleaning them, pounding them into a pulp, immediately after which adding the chacruna leaves. The mixture is then boiled about twelve hours until it is a thick brown liquid.

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